The Circle of (Plant) Life

3H have been learning about plants this week. They have learned about the functions of roots, stems and trunks, leaves and flowers. They conducted a test to find out what plants need for life and growth. We talked about the importance of fair testing and how we can use careful observations to see what are the optimal conditions for plants to thrive. Over the course of seven days, the children watched changes to cress seeds which they had set up using cotton wool and plastic cups.

Pupil Voice – “We found out that plants need light and water to thrive. The cress in the cupboard with just darkness and no water didn’t grow at all. The cress in the cupboard with just dark but with water did grow the tallest but it was yellow. If plants are healthy, they will be green”

We also touched on photosynthesis and chlorophyll 🙂

The children also investigated the way that water is transported within plants, via the roots and stem. Unfortunately, our experiment wasn’t a complete success so if they would like to try it again at home, here is a link to a website with the instructions!


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