Y3: What if Jesus was on Social Media…

If social media had been around when Jesus was alive, do you think he would have used it? Discuss why this might have been a good or bad idea. What information would it have been ok for him to share?

What info do we know already?

We’re going to help Jesus put together a social media profile page, but first we need to pull together some information. Discuss what we already know about Jesus and what we might want to try and find out.

Most of the knowledge we have about Jesus comes from The New Testament (The Bible)

This short video will also give us some ideas: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zyn34wx


Significant places

Israel, Bethlehem, Jerusalam, Nazareth – why are these significant places to Jesus? Lets have a look around and see what they look like now…

When did Jesus live and who were his friends?

This website is really useful too – the information below is taken from there.

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So – Lets put all this together and build a profile for Jesus!

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